Friday, March 4, 2011

2 Months

This post is a little late, considering Noelle will be 3 months in 8 days, but I wanted to write it anyways to keep a record for myself.

This month Noelle started smiling a lot. She is such a happy girl most of the time. She'll smile for about anybody and often times wakes up happy already. I love coming in to her big gummy smile waiting for me to come get her.

Can I just say that we love our doctor. We see Dr. Riggs at the Covenant Clinic. He is the father/father-in-law of our very dear friends Ryan & Mallory and we feel so blessed to have a doctor who we know holds the same values and beliefs as we do. We can trust his opinion and advice, knowing that he has a solid faith in Christ and truly wants the best for our kids. He is also SO encouraging. I look forward to going myself just because he is so affirming to us as parents. We couldn't be happier!

So, onto Noelle's two month stats:
Weight: 10 lbs 13 oz. 50th%ile
Length: 22 1/2 in. 50th%ile
Head: 15 in. 25th%ile

She is doing so well! The weight gain is always a relief for a breastfeeding mother to hear. It gives me a peace knowing she's getting enough. She was so happy the whole time and so smiley....I laid her on the table before her shots and she was just cooing and smiling...then the shots came and she cried so hard. Oh it makes me tear up every time. It never lasts long and she calms down as soon as I pick her up but it sure does tug at my heart strings!

Oh our sweet Noelle, you have forever changed our family. We were living life pretty well as a family of three and never knew anything was missing until you came along. You have filled a place in my heart I didn't even know was there. We love you so much. We could never imagine life without you now. You are such a great girl! So happy and cuddly. I love to snuggle with you while you are awake or asleep.
You sleep so great for us. Last night you went from 8:30-7:30 between feedings. It was wonderful and you woke up just as bright-eyed as ever! You've been eating between 3 and 4 hours during the day now. You are a pretty good napper....sometimes you'll sleep solid for over 2 hours and sometimes you wake up after 45 minutes. But mommy or daddy can usually get you back to sleep either by giving you your binky or rocking you. I love how you cuddle right up in my arms and zonk out. It's a peaceful time and I just pray for you, Denver, and our family. You're such a gift to us. We love you so much and can't wait to know you more and watch your little personality unfold.

Now for a picture of our little doll. I already posted the two cutest ones lately, but this one is pretty sweet, too. Can you guess who put all her toys onto her so she could play?
I forgot about this first: she started batting at her toys while in her bouncy seat! I was so excited when she first did it and now it keeps her busy for quite awhile!

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