Thursday, April 1, 2010

That's My King

I love this time of year. The snow is gone, new growth is found underneath. Spring flowers are blooming, the weather's getting warmer, a promise of new life being fulfilled! It is all so fitting that Easter is celebrated at this exact same time of year. The promise of forgiveness of all sins through Christ's horrific death on the cross and new life forever with Him through His powerful resurrection from death. satan has been defeated. he is powerless. My Savior is alive! Hallelujah!

I love reading Isaiah 53. Wow what a powerful message about the one and only Savior. He was awaited for many years until He came and now there is purpose. The law has been fulfilled and Heaven is available.

That's my King. Do you know Him?

Take time to watch this video. It is a sermon preached by Dr. S.M. Lockridge, the same pastor known for his sermon "Sunday's a'Comin". I ran across it and it gives me shivers every time I watch it. I hope it blesses your day!


  1. this is truly awesome! Truth after truth after truth! And stated with such certainty by a man who KNOWS his KING of KINGS! Thanks for sharing this with your world! I am so thankful that you know Him, Ashleigh!

  2. Ashullet! I was updating my blog (after almost a year) and saw you had posted. So I came to check out your blog and LOVE IT! Great insights. Also - love your pics. Denver is such a little cutie!
