Thursday, February 11, 2010


As many of you know, Denver's slow to get to his milestones. He didn't start crawling until 10 1/2 months, walking at 15 1/2, and still hasn't really started talking. He says dada a lot, grunts a lot, says e-i-e-i when he wants to read Old McDonald, but other than that is a very quiet boy. He doesn't even really jabber.
He also had a string of ear infections from the beginning of November until right before Christmas. When we went to his ear check and again to his 18 mo. check-up he still had fluid in his ears. With his delay of speech, Dr. Riggs thought we should see an Ear Nose and Throat doctor to check out his ears a little closer.

So on Tuesday we went to see Dr. Rotenburg and sure enough, his ears are full of fluid. While he can still hear us, it is most likely muffled and very unclear. So, tomorrow morning we will be heading over to Covenant to get tubes put in his ears. I know this is a very common procedure and takes only 10-15 minutes and I'm really not nervous about that part, but he has to be put under anesthesia for it to be done and that's what I get a little more worried about. I know he is in good hands with the doctors, and even better hands with Jesus, but any prayers for Denver tomorrow morning would be appreciated. 1) That the operation is quick, uneventful, and successful 2) that getting the tubes does help with his speech development!

Anyway, that's all for now! I'll let you know the results and hopefully the words he starts saying soon!!!:)


  1. Hey Ash, We will be praying for Denver tomorrow and Mom and Dad!!! The boy I babysat had tubes and helped him from getting more ear infections and that was such a relief because he always had them and they always hurt! He was 9 months so we didn't notice anything about talking yet BUT my sister in laws niece got tubes last year and she was about Denvers age and I guess she started talking soon after! Just think soon those grunts will turn into precious words from your little guy! Thanks for posting this...we will be thinking and praying for the Nelson Family!

  2. i will be praying too! Addelyn had tubes put in by Dr. R when she was 14 months old. I completely understand, the scariest part is the anesthesia. But it was SO helpful for her to get the tubes. I hope this helps Denver out so much!!!! Will be praying for you guys.

  3. Will definitely pray for you guys tomorrow!!!
