Monday, February 15, 2010

Little Fingerprints

This is more a blog for me so I don't forget some of the little things about Denver these days.

I LOVE finding little "fingerprints" to show me what Denver's been up to when he's toodling around the house while I'm cleaning, doing dishes, etc.
-all the little pieces from his shape game found randomly around the house - his ball slide, the big glass fish bowl, in the basement shower drain
-the remote shoved in the vcr
-his little squishy balls shoved in the vcr
-the lid of his bowl shoved in the vcr (got a theme with the vcr here)

Other little things about D I want to remember.
-the way he says e-i-e-i when he wants to watch Old MacDonald
-how he loves to try and put his shoes and socks on - and how he sits at the exact same place in front of the couch every time to do it
-when he find his little magnetic kitty and says "shh" and gives it a hug and kiss
-how he opens to the pages in biscuit when the ball is in the mud and makes a face and says "uhhh"
-how he blows on his food or other hot things
-when he tears a kleenex up into tiny little pieces and throws them, then picks them up and throws them again, and again......
-when he hides something and goes "uhhh?" in a high pitched voice and puts his hands up like where is it?

Oh Denver, I love how you make our lives interesting with the little things you do!

1 comment:

  1. They are just so smart! I swear babies have a secret language like in 'Look Who's Talking'.
