Friday, February 12, 2010


Thank you everyone for your prayers! We felt the hand of Jesus over Denver throughout the whole morning....which began at 5:15!!! Ah! We had to be to the hospital by 6, checked in and taken to our room, got Denver out of his pj's and into his gown, which was so cute! Then we just hung out in our little room until 7:15 when we walked him with the nurse down to the door where we had to hand him over to her. He didn't even cry. He was amazing. We only waited for maybe 7 minutes and it was already done! Talked to the doctor - it was a good thing we did the procedure because the fluid in his ears was all thick and syrupy and wouldn't have drained on its own. Waited another 15 minutes and got to be there when he was waking up. He was confused and fussy when he first woke up but then just let me hold him and snuggle him, his blanket, and of course Biscuit.

All in all it was a very successful morning. We were home by 9:15, he ate a banana and headed off to bed at 9:30 and we all slept until 12:15! It was amazing!!! Now he's happy as ever and hopefully now maybe he will start talking soon!:)

I didn't have my camera but I did have my phone and we had some fun getting some cute pics of him before his surgery. He was pretty excited to have that gown with all the stars on.

We love this little guy!
Showing me his tongue.
He liked showing his tummy under his gown.
D and best bud Biscuit
You were amazing today, Denver. We are so proud of you and love you so much!


  1. Yay!!! So glad things went well!!! Have a great weekend!!!

  2. So glad everything went well!!! What a cute little guy! I love the pictures and our valentine we got in the mail yesterday!

  3. so glad all went well. i prayed for you this morning when i woke up! hopefully this will help a lot!

  4. He is seriously sweet. I'm so glad things went well for him!! (and you!)
