Saturday, June 27, 2009

Swimming and Spaghetti

The other day we went swimming!  It was a beautiful day and Denver loved it, of course! He has a fascination with holding my sunglasses lately, but maybe not quite as much wearing them.:)
Family pic in the pool!
First meal of spaghetti! He loved it and enjoyed the mess, especially! I left the room for a bit and came back to this...he has a new thing with putting toys and things on his head. Usually he doesn't even put his hands in his hair when he eats...but not anymore! I couldn't help but laugh...and get the camera! 
Never a dull moment to our days!:)


  1. Hi, Ashley! Welcome to the blog world. You sure do have a little cutie!! :)

  2. ahhh...spaghetti hair! we experience banana hair every morning at breakfast! :) cute pictures, love you!

  3. wow! Denver sure is growing fast!...super cute pics, I will be back to visit again soon.
