Saturday, January 14, 2012


There's so much I could tell you about our sweet pea. But for now, a few fun facts about Noelle Dawn.
*she is 13 months now
*has four teeth
*weighs 20 pounds - 25th %ile for both height & weight
*walks everywhere
*loves to eat
*loves whole milk
*still loves to sleep (with her blankie & binkie!) - at least 12 hours at night, a short morning nap, and a 2-2 1/2 hour afternoon nap
*always points at her coat and wants to go outside
*puts up with big brother quite nicely - and loves to play with him
*says a few words - mama, daddy, kitty (ti-t), baby, uh-oh
*a climber
*an explorer - especially the kitchen cupboards
*always finds a way to play peek-a-boo
*loves her dollies
*happiest girl around

There will be posts to come on this little munchkin, but we love her dearly. It's been so fun watching her grow over the last year and turn into a little girl! She did everything quicker than Denver ever did and looks so tiny to be walking! We think she is just the sweetest! Here is my favorite pic of her taken recently.

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