Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Big Boy

Our little Denver is growing up! The baby days are slowly fading and a little boy is beginning to emerge! While it is amazing to see these changes and so fun to watch him grow....a little piece of me misses my little baby! However, I am continually amazed at how much is really going on in that little mind and body of his! While he is still holding our hands to walk and still a pretty quiet little boy, he understands so much and knows exactly what he wants! I am realizing that this is difficult for both of us!!! His wants are expressed through whines and grunts, sometimes fussing, and my patience is being tested!:) I'm sure a lot of moms out there can relate! Let's get some words going Denver so you can express yourself in other ways!:) Despite it all, our days are joy-filled and delightful. I'm beginning to miss the warm weather and can't believe I have to put a coat, socks, and shoes on when we leave the house now! No more bare feet!!! Here are a few pics of the one we love.
The simple things: climbing into wherever he can fit!
I'm a big boy - I am starting to eat with a bowl and spoon! And I love cereal just like daddy!
Another favorite place to crawl into.
He loves looking out the window. One morning all three of us were looking out and here comes a squirrel right in front of us on the lawn! And about 3 or 4 birds. Denver was pointing and grunting sooo excited! The little things!
Another cereal pic - not sure why this one's down here and the other one's up there...oh well!

I'm excited to get some Fall pics taken of D with some pumpkins and harvesting with Grandpa!!! I'll try to get them up soon...I'm not quite back in the routine yet!


  1. I can relate!! :) So good to see you both today. Denver is such a precious little guy... you are doing a phenominal job, mom!

  2. hehe what a sweetie! We can relate as well. Taking everything out of everything and climbing into everything. love it!
