Friday, March 25, 2011

The everyday...

Well this has proven to be the Winter that NEVER ENDS!!!! Uhh! One day there will be a little glimpse of warmth and sunshine....just to be followed by another dark, cold, breezy day!!! Where are you Spring?!? We are definitely eagerly awaiting your arrival!

Here are a few pictures of ways we pass the time here at the Nelson Home and also a few of Denver causing mischief during these long days inside!:) Enjoy!

 Snack time!
 Noelle with pal Asher after getting out for a walk.
 Why is the toilet water black you ask? Well Denver decided to pour all his bath color fizz tablets into it of course! What you can't see is that it was also bubbling!
 Looking good, D!
 Lots of book reading.
 Denver gets so excited when he can get Noelle to hold onto his finger.

 Denver loves this foamy pumpkin soap. No matter how many times I put it away - he will get it out and swap it with whatever soap I have out. 

 First bath together. It was a little splashy but both had a great time!


  1. Oh so cute! I love all the pictures and giggled at Denver's mischief. I'm with you at wondering when spring weather will arrive and STAY!


  2. your kiddos are adorable!!...I am loving Denver's curls! Don't ever cut them. :)
