Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What We've Been Up To....

A lot has been going on here at the Nelson Household. So in a post of bullet points and pictures we'll try and get you updated!
  • Denver announced to everyone that he is going to be a big brother! We will be welcoming baby #2 into our family somewhere around December 12! We are so excited and D will be the best big brother!!! (It was a hot day and he wasn't so thrilled about sitting for a picture. Also, you can see little red spots on his arms from a round of Roseolla!)

  • Welcomed a fish into our family.....

  • And soon after bid that fish farewell.

  • Denver has started talking more! He now can say quite a few words and a few 2-word phrases (hi mom, hi dad, bye mom, etc.) I tried to put a video up but it seriously was taking two hours and still hadn't uploaded so I cancelled it!
  • We also found out he can spell his name! We know he's known his letters for a long time but one day I jokingly asked him to spell his name and he did it! He can't say V and sometimes he gets the E's confused - if it's the first or second one. Had a video of this to show, too, but again....don't think it will ever upload! Maybe I'll try again another day.
  • My mom captured this special picture of Denver and "Ba-pa". Denver loves to go choring with Grandpa and help feed the pigs!

  • Celebrated the 4th of July in Wellman. Denver got to watch the fireworks and the parade! He loved the fireworks and did a lot of clapping and "WOW!" Highlight of the parade? The candy of course!:)

  • Got tossed around by Uncle Clint and Uncle Carson. I hold my breath - but he LOVES it!

Wish I would have pictures to accompany the next few things but got in a bad habit of not taking pictures so, the descriptions will have to do:(
  • Met Grandpa Jim & Grandma Joyce at Bailey's Ford. They stayed there for a few days in their camper for some fishing and family time. Denver loved showing off his golfing skills, chasing around cousin Spencer, and playing with Grandma's bubble machine. Grandpa made a yummy peach cobbler in his dutch oven!!! Mmmmm!
  • Went to the hatchery and saw LOTS of fish, all different sizes. Got to throw food in and watch them swarm to it!
  • Found a love for golfing!!!! (Just like daddy) Has a golf ball and club in his hand probably at least half the day. He got to go putt-putting on our vacation and LOVED it! (a post on vacation to come)
  • Swimming swimming swimming!!!!! We have a pass to The Falls and spend a lot of the afternoons there! Denver loves swimming and Mommy doesn't mind getting a nice tan in the process.:) Hoping to snap a few shots the next time we go!
  • And in just one week our little boy will be TWO YEARS OLD!!!!!!!! Wow! It will be a special day because we have our ultra sound on his birthday! No we won't be finding out if it's a little brother or sister, but still so special to see him or her on his birthday!
All in all, it's been a great Summer so far! We got back from our vacation on Sunday so I will be posting about that soon! Thanks for stopping by and catching up with The Nelsons!


  1. Good to see some pics of your family... Denver is getting so big!! What a sweet little guy. hope you are feeling well!! Excited for you to add to your family!

  2. Congrats Steve, Ashleigh, and Denver! Every time I see that you update your blog I secretly hope that you are going to post about being pregnant again!!

    We wish you a blessed and healthy pregnancy...how about you make it to 40 weeks this time, haha!!
